Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My Book...

This is my book that I had published. I've been wanting to scrapbook the cover of it for awhile now and put it on my blog and just haven't gotten around to it. I certainly don't do things quickly - that's for sure. But, I have numerous other things (and people) occupying my time so that would explain why I'm not on the ball anymore to get things done.
Anyway, my book is a poetry book that I wrote while pregnant with my son and while I was up in the middle of the night for those 2am feedings. I had a lot of time to contemplate the little things that my infant would do and then when he became a toddler I had tons of stuff to write about that would make me laugh. It's just a book about what new mom's experience when they undertake the role of Mom. Plus, I thought it would be neat for London when he grows up to know that his Mommy wrote poetry about his little antics.
You can get this book at any major bookstore. You have to special-order it as it is not in stock on the shelves. Or, you can order online as well.

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