Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Next Nashville Star...

I caught London singing with my guitar the other day. Cracked me up! He was really getting into it and having a great time. What a hoot! I created this page all on my own. It's kinda cute.....

Friday, June 29, 2007

Cowabunga Dude!

London LOVES playing Ninja and we just bought him some numchucks made out of nerf football material. At least they are soft and he has a blast with them! Oh, to be a child again!!!

London, I have a secret for you....

Mommy and Daddy love you! Every bit of orneriness, silliness, crankiness and just plain being "you", we love every bit of you and your antics! There is never a dull moment in our house and we wouldn't change that for a moment!

My Boobers.....

Yes, I's a ridiculous nickname but we came up with it when London was just an infant and it stuck! He is seriously my pride and joy - my reason to get up in the morning, my reason to drag my butt to work everyday to make sure he has all of the special things he wants, my reason to be a really good mom and try to make up for the people in this world who don't treat him as special as we do. He is just my special, little man!

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Why do you play favorites and never treat them the same?
Do you think what you're doing is fair, or just part of your game?
Since when is one child treated better than the other?
Is it because one child's parent is the favorite mother?
I'm not participating in such an unfair, ridiculous show.
How do you think it feels to be unimportant - do you even know?
Noone in their right mind could possibly think this is fair.
For when two children are involved, equality should be shared.
I'll stand by and watch this charade for now, but I will eventually blow my top.
For only then will this ridiculous, unfairness finally come to a complete stop.
We long for the day when we are finally able to move away.
So we are no longer subjected to the favoritism play by play.

Tiffany S. Roberts

Saturday, June 23, 2007

London, does your garden grow?

My little guy loves to garden. More specifically....he likes to play in the dirt! As long as he's happy that's all that matters!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I can't stand by any longer and watch my child consistently being ignored.
By someone who favors their friend's kids, but with mine is completely bored.
If you're going to treat my son that way, you're no better than my mom.
Someone who is phony and whose family belief system is completely wrong.
What do I tell London when he asks what of him is wrong?
Do I tell him it's because he's not a girl or because I'm his mom?
For crying out loud just get over it, whatever hang-up you have stored.
Because I can't stand by any longer and watch my child consistently being ignored.

To my chagrin, I have had the unpleasant opportunity to watch this happen time after time after time. One day London will catch on to what's been happening and will ask why he's not being taken an interest in. What am I supposed to tell him? Well, I'm not going to make up some fluffy story to cover it up. I'm not the one shunning him, so it isn't going to be my fault or my responsibility to give him some fluffy explanation. It's plain and want to be a part of his life? Then do it.....don't give the excuse of the day as to why you're not able to. Anyone is able to be a part of someone's life - it's actually doing it that makes the difference.

I am amazed at human beings can tell we all pick our favorite people to be around. The ones that we do things with all of the time.....the ones who we don't mind watching their children because we actually like to and we happen to like the parents as well.....the ones that we would drop anything for and run to their side. It's a sad thing though when you have a child and not a whole lot of people take an interest in him. I'm not looking forward to the day when he asks us why so and so doesn't like him or pay any attention to him.....he's already asking a little bit about it and we tell him people are just too busy for all of us. That seems to be the running excuse lately....too busy, too busy, too busy. It's just really sad.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What a ' black and white......

I was just goofing around and turned this photo into black and white with a little somethin' extra. It was fun and it still looks good.....What fun, what fun!!!!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

What a 'tude!

This picture cracks me up! London and I were outside playing yesterday when I snapped this random picture of him. Lopsided baseball cap and riding his scooter! He's always doing or saying something to make me giggle! Keeps me happy and there's never a dull moment in our house!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

London at Play...

My little guy loves to play! We were at Uncle Jim's when he found more stuff to play with! I just love watching him have fun. This page turned out kinda cute and it was fun to do. I'm just a scrapbooking fool!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Is Someone Grumpy?...

I took this photo at the University while we were walking around the fountain. It was so hot that day and the sun was just beating down on us. Which, by the way, could explain London's grumpy expression. Plus, he's getting to where he hates having his picture taken. Probably because I take pictures of him like crazy! He's always telling me he doesn't want to look handsome - typical boy!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Uncle Jim's Tire Swing...

London and I went to my Aunt and Uncle's house today for a BBQ. My Uncle has a tire swing that London just adores. He plays on it every time we go over there. He also has a tetherball that London likes to play with too. The joys of childhood....

My Baseball Superstar...

London picked up Jake's baseball glove and started posing and playing with it. My Aunt and I taught him to use it and he loved catching the ball and throwing it back to me. we have a future baseball star in the making?

London and Katie...

London and Katie sat on the school bus together when we went on our field trip. They had a blast! I'm so glad London has his friends from school to play and interact with. He doesn't do much with anyone else his age outside of school - so I'm glad he at least has his school friends to count on. They make him very happy. I hope he has some of the same friends in class next year too!

Being Silly at the Park...

London and I went to the park today while Daddy was sleeping. We're getting accustomed to doing things on our own, since we're on our own a lot! We don't do much with anyone on a regular basis, except my aunts and uncles. Other than that, we're alone much of the time. But, we make good memories playing at the park and having fun nonetheless.

Friday, June 01, 2007

If I Were a Sister...

Sometimes I catch myself thinking about what my life would be like had I been a sister to someone. Would I be a good sibling? I've given it a lot of thought though on the type of sibling I would want to be had I had a sibling. It saddens me when I see brothers/sisters who basically act like they could care less about their sibling. It shows too...they're not close to each other, their children are not close to their cousins and they have a relationship devoid of anything substantial. I've always been told that this happens in a lot of families.....why does it happen? Why does one want to be a mediocre sibling, instead of striving to be that sibling that makes a brother/sister proud? I've always, always, ALWAYS wanted a sibling....I never got one obviously - so it just makes me watch other people who have that one thing that I do not have - a sibling. I watch how they treat their brother/sister, I watch them take advantage of their brother/sister, and I watch how their relationship is disintegrating because neither of them care enough to make more out of it. There are some people in this world who should have been only children. The people who blame their sibling for not getting enough attention and get into trouble JUST to get attention. The people who cannot think beyond themselves long enough to realize they have a brother/sister. The people who only want to pay attention to their brother/sister when it's going to benefit them in some way, shape or form. I just don't understand this mentality of casting aside your brother/sister until you need them to watch your kids, give you a ride, be a shoulder to cry on when you've screwed up your life, etc.....I don't understand it at all. There is only one family I've ever seen whose siblings totally adore each other and it shows. My Aunt and Uncle on my Dad's side of the family. I think it's all in the way you're raised too. If you're raised to only have animosity and jealousy towards each other....what can you expect to have for a relationship in your adult years? Mike and I both think London would be an awesome big brother. He has that caring, empathetic side to him. Plus, we've raised him to be a very loving and sensitive child. I hope he will get to have the chance to be a big brother because I just know he will be great at it. So, my word of advice is this....remember that you only have each other to go through life's trials and don't wait until it's too late and you're filled with regret because you were too wrapped up in yourself to care about anyone else. Maybe I'm not the expert on siblings......even though I've always wanted to be one. But, I do know that I wouldn't settle for mediocrity as a sibling. I would want to be the best I could possibly be.
Since I have no siblings though, I will never have to worry about what could have been.

You're so mischievious...

I am just so honored to be London's mom. Every day that I spend with him, I fall in love more with him. Each day is a treasure for me to spend with my little boy!