Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The manuscript for my 2nd poetry book is in the hands of my editor as of yesterday. I cannot believe it - I actually finished my book and sent it to my publisher! Finally, completion of a big project....it's such a nice feeling of accomplishment when you finish something like that. Especially, since I'm so busy with my two munchkins....how did I find the time? Try in between naps and while London was away at school...it's amazing the things you can do when you manage your time right.

We're off to the zoo on Thursday, April 30th. Mike and I are going too (bringing Maddie too of course!)because we are chaperones for London's class. The cool thing is that this trip to the zoo will be London and Maddie's 1st time to the zoo and they get to experience it together! That is SO cool. And yes, I will bring my camera with fresh batteries from the battery charger so as not to miss a single moment!

Finishing my coffee and waiting for my aunt and uncle to arrive from California.....ta ta for now.....

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