Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I can't stand by any longer and watch my child consistently being ignored.
By someone who favors their friend's kids, but with mine is completely bored.
If you're going to treat my son that way, you're no better than my mom.
Someone who is phony and whose family belief system is completely wrong.
What do I tell London when he asks what of him is wrong?
Do I tell him it's because he's not a girl or because I'm his mom?
For crying out loud just get over it, whatever hang-up you have stored.
Because I can't stand by any longer and watch my child consistently being ignored.

To my chagrin, I have had the unpleasant opportunity to watch this happen time after time after time. One day London will catch on to what's been happening and will ask why he's not being taken an interest in. What am I supposed to tell him? Well, I'm not going to make up some fluffy story to cover it up. I'm not the one shunning him, so it isn't going to be my fault or my responsibility to give him some fluffy explanation. It's plain and want to be a part of his life? Then do it.....don't give the excuse of the day as to why you're not able to. Anyone is able to be a part of someone's life - it's actually doing it that makes the difference.

I am amazed at human beings can tell we all pick our favorite people to be around. The ones that we do things with all of the time.....the ones who we don't mind watching their children because we actually like to and we happen to like the parents as well.....the ones that we would drop anything for and run to their side. It's a sad thing though when you have a child and not a whole lot of people take an interest in him. I'm not looking forward to the day when he asks us why so and so doesn't like him or pay any attention to him.....he's already asking a little bit about it and we tell him people are just too busy for all of us. That seems to be the running excuse lately....too busy, too busy, too busy. It's just really sad.

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