Friday, January 26, 2007

Be My Valentine...

Here's a Valentine scrapbook page of my sweetie. Now, generally I cannot stand Valentine's Day. Reason being is that I cannot understand why we need a holiday to show our loved ones that we love them - we should be doing that everyday of our lives - not just one day out of 365. Plus, when I was little I was always the nerd kid that noone wanted to give a Valentine card to. That really lifts up your self-esteem! Then, in high school I didn't have a boyfriend or anything so it was always just another humdrum day. Now that I'm married though, it hasn't changed much either. I don't recall a single Valentine's Day that really stands out in my memory. But, this year is different. Michael was very ill just recently and his illness made us both take stock of our lives and how we treat one another. Nothing like almost dying to make you figure out what's important. It's sad it took something like that to make us realize what's important - but I'm glad that we are in a spot in our relationship right now where our love is the strongest it's ever been. For that, I am very grateful and thankful.

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