Friday, July 04, 2008



I get so tired of always having to defend my son

To people whose hearts should automatically be won.

I want to scream and cry but it will be to no avail

For these people will never admit that they fail

How can anyone be so cruel to a little boy of four?

He can't compete with his cousin who means so much more.

I quit, I'm done, and they've failed in more ways than one.

My disappointment runs high with people who always shun.

What am I supposed to tell him when he asks why noone cares?

Am I supposed to tell him these people are too selfish to share?

They're the ones missing out on my special little boy.

Only they will be remiss to share in his joy.

I really want to tell them just to get lost and stay away.

My son deserves relatives who love him everyday.

Tiffany Sue Roberts

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