Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Long Time, No See.....

Just checking in....been extremely, extremely busy! It seems the older London gets, the busier I become....I'm going to totally be a soccer mom! What a hoot! Soccer starts mid-June and his 1st game would be June 25th or was it the 24? I can't keep track. He also wants to do karate lessons and t-ball. He will be a busy boy! He needs activities where he can feel like he belongs.

I got my haircut and it is cute, cute, cute. I got TONS cut off and my hairdresser said it might help my migraines since my hair is so thick and heavy. Plus, I'm not one of those people who likes to keep the same hairstyle year after year.....I don't want my husband putting me on one of those makeover shows on TV because I've let myself go or something....when your hair looks stringy, long and ugly - get the crap cut off and get a more stylish style. I'm getting blonde highlights put in sometime and then I'll just be gorgeous...well not really, but you get the idea.

We are having homemade chicken alfredo for dinner tonight....yum-o! I love to cook and this will be so good. I made my famous homemade lasagna for Seth's birthday dinner - he requested it and totally loved, loved, loved it! Yay for me.....I made a homemade carrot cake last week and it's totally gone now.

I've got dinner to cook, laundry to wash and fold, and a floor that needs some major vacuuming so I better go for now....Ta Ta For Now.....

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