Sunday, January 13, 2008

Winter Busyness...

Busy, Busy, Busy! The days are just flying by! Mike got a job and it's a good job too! Benefits, retirement, etc.....He started working last week and he's really happy with everyone he works with. Thank heavens! I am having my second book published. I was trying to do it last year but with everything in such upheaval with finances, jobs, moving, etc....I never pursued it aggressively. But, now that I am not working I figure I should take advantage of the opportunity to get my second book up and running out of the bookstores! I'm hoping to have a book signing too to help with book sales. I will be a success as an author one of these days! I'm planning on putting London back in school after winter is over (roads are dangerous to drive here in the winter) and I'm planning on volunteering in his class every day so that I will be able to get out of the house and be with him at the same time. London got a goldfish that he named Abraham (after the goldfish on Different Strokes, Arnold's pet fish). London and I will be starting our little garden in the plant room this week. He wants to grow corn and potatoes and I'll find some other stuff to grow too. I'm trying to find somewhere to sell my crafts and get some extra money coming in too. I'm not accustomed to not working, but I'm also enjoying playing with London and teaching him stuff. We've been playing soccer outside every day and he loves it. This summer we're thinking of putting London in soccer if finances allow. He would like that and we want him actively involved in sports or something to keep him busy so he won't go down the wrong path. London named one of the turkeys. There's Tom turkey, the male and then he named the female Blessing. I don't know where he came up with that name but it's really cute and fits her perfectly. She's all white.
Well, not much else to report......just an update on our country life! We're just excited to be warm enough now, have shelter and food to eat. We are truly blessed.
I have discovered the TV series, "Will and Grace" and have been watching it faithfully. It truly cracks me up, especially since I only watch TV to escape reality and let my brain take a break from the events of the day. I also love, love, love the series "The Girls Next Door". They crack me up too. Yeah, I don't believe in their lifestyles on either series, but to each their own. I just like being entertained by them. I don't think anyone on this planet even has morals anymore after TV and Movies get done bombarding everyone with the idea that the more people you hook up with, the "cooler" you are. Yeah right, WHATEVER! Then what? Go to church and ask for "forgiveness" and do it all over again? Oh please....the absurdity of it all!

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