Saturday, August 11, 2007

Grandparent Means Love...

We went to see my Dad a couple of days ago.....I just love visiting with my Dad. Especially now that he's not an alcoholic - our visits are much more enjoyable. And oh my he loves being a Grandpa! He loves London like you wouldn't believe! London is finally getting comfortable around "his Papa" (as he calls him) and sat on Papa's lap and gave lovies (hugs). What treasured memories to have of the two of them together. I took other pictures too but will have to scrapbook them later. We've had a whirlwind of company come into town and I've not had a moment to hardly do anything at home - between going down to my Dad's and visiting with company. We've just been very busy! But, I'm thankful to be able to see my family - especially when I don't get the opportunity to see them in person very often. Sure, I can talk on the phone but it just isn't the same. My family is pretty special and I love them very much....

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