Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What A Day...

First, Mike and I met at the gym, after my staff meeting at work this morning, to work out together. Then, we ran errands while London was at school. Then, after London got out of school today, we took him to a petting zoo. He got to meet Nutmeg the Cow, 2 pigs (which he named one of them Wilbur after the pig on Charlotte's Web), 2 miniature ponies, 3 goats, several rabbits (one with new babies), a sheep, chickens with their baby chicks and several calves. He loved every minute of it - it was actually the best $11.00 we've spent in ages! We walked through several times to visit everyone over and over again. London was talking to all of the animals and even ventured to pet some of them. He was fascinated with the pigs and got right in the pen with them. It was okay though, the owner told us to get right in their pens and visit. I fell in love with Nutmeg the cow. She was so nice and friendly - for a cow. I've never petted a cow or a pig before so mommy was having just as much fun as London! I have pictures, but will download later. Then, we took London to our favorite park and played awhile. Afterwards, we got Papa Murphy's and came home! What a day!
On to more excitement....I've finally come up with the title to my 2nd book and I'm just finishing up the tale end of it before it gets sent off to my editor. I am so excited - and proud of myself. Maybe, just maybe....I will be the type of parent that London will be proud to call me his Mom!
We're enrolling him in Bitty Ball in June - it's like T-Ball but for younger kids. Then, in September he gets to do soccer. We're excited to get him up and running and involved in things. I always wanted to do sports or something but the excuse was always no money....I'll work 2 jobs if need-be just to make sure he has a great childhood.

Ta-Ta for honey, my pizza, my baby, and my movie are all waiting on me........!

1 comment:

Becky (Daisyduster) said...

Sounds like a fun day..
Where did you find the petting zoo?