Friday, January 05, 2007

Zoomin' on the motorhome at Great-Pa's!

There's a history about this motorhome. To most people it probably just seems like some stupid, old toy......but to me and all of the cousins on my Dad's side of the family this motorhome represents the trips we took to Gram and Pa's house. All of us cousins would take turns "riding on the Winnebago" up and down Gram and Pa's long hallway. I'm sure we drove them crazy and they were probably glad to have peace and quiet when we left, but they never let on that we drove them bonkers. This motorhome is older than me and if it had an odometer I'm sure it would be in the millions for all of the miles that were put on it. One thing I'm excited about is that London was able to share in the history of the old Winnebago. He had a blast, as did his Mommy all those many years ago! So, it may just seem like a heap of metal to everyone else......but to us cousins (and now London) it was one of the fun things to do at Gram and Pa's!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so cool!
And with the linoleum and colors and retro Winnie...the pictures look like they were taken in the 70's!