Saturday, March 10, 2007

What A Week...

What a horrible week! Monday I was diagnosed with pneumonia, Tuesday was my Birthday and I couldn't do much to celebrate. Mike had to cancel my surprise party for that evening and he ended up making me lasagna and chocolate cake. I had to miss work since the Dr. said I needed to be on the antibiotics for at least 24 hours before being around anyone. Then, to top it all off....pretty much everyone forgot it was even my Birthday. What a way to make an old gal feel special and loved! Actually, I think the older you get...the worse your Birthdays are. I think Birthdays are really for kids anyway, when you get older who wants to celebrate getting a year older and being closer to the grave? So, that's been my week. Hopefully, I'm on the mend and will continue to get better. My Dad's birthday is tomorrow - I have his present pretty much done but have to wait until payday to send it. I won't forget to call him though!
My house has become a disaster pit since I've been sick. I'm trying to work on it slowly because I get winded very easily from the pneumonia and then feel like I can't get enough air. Eventually, it will all get done - just a little slower than normal.
Not much else to report. Nothing spectacular going on. Mike and I would love to go to Disneyland sometime. We're trying to figure out how we would accomplish this. London would go bananas! My boss just went last weekend and brought all of us employees souvenir Mickey Mouse coffee mugs. That was nice of him - he didn't have to do that!
On another note...I'm almost finished with my upcoming 2nd book to have published. Plus, I'm trying to get some press releases done for some local TV stations and see if they would be interested in doing an interview with me. I've got lots to do between now and the time I finish my next book. I'm just a busy girl - no wonder I have pneumonia, I can't just settle down and rest - I have to be accomplishing something at all times!
That's about it for now. 'Til next time...

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