Sunday, March 04, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me...

My birthday isn't actually for a couple more days....but just wanted to title my blog entry with that caption. Apparently, Mike has a surprise party planned for me when I get off work on Tuesday. It's really not a surprise party though because I was supposed to go to a baby shower for one of my really good friends after work, but Mike asked me not to go to it because he's got my party planned! What a stinker! I've already given my friend her gift though, so all is good.

We have been SO incredibly sick with a viral infection. I missed 2 days of work last week, and London finally went back to school on Thursday after having missed several days of school. Our Dr. had to give London antibiotics because his cough just wasn't getting any better. He's perked up a bit now though and started eating again and being his goofy little self. He isn't gaining weight though, which has the Dr. worried. He did some tests on him and found that London isn't absorbing fat the way he should be and he has a problem with his digestion. So, once London is better our Dr. wants to do some more testing on him.
I'm tellin' ya....people have got to start learning hand washing and staying home when they're sick so they don't spread their gargantuan germs to everyone they come into contact with. It's absolutely disgusting and very preventable if people only had a brain to think with.......
Okay, I'll get off of my soap box now.

I've been so productive today. I got all of my baby shower gifts done (I still have 3 showers to attend), my Aunt's birthday present done (her birthday is tomorrow)and my best friend's Christmas present done. Yes, I know it's March - but perfection takes time. Hee hee. Next, I need to finish my Dad's birthday present. His Birthday is just a few days after mine. I'm almost done with his stuff though and then need to get it off in the mail to him. He will get a kick out of it as it turned out really great.

I'm beginning to enjoy not going to church on Sundays. We haven't found a church anywhere that makes us particularly thrilled anyway, so I'm not willing to waste my time looking. My time happens to be valuable to me and everyone is just going to have to deal with us not attending church. I won't shove religion down London's throat anyway....Just because a child grows up in an "ultra-religious" environment does not mean they will make good decisions when they become adults. Yeah, the foundation is laid, but people are going to do what they're going to do - especially if allowed to run wild with no rules to follow. We teach London right from wrong, he says his prayers at night, he has his own devotional bible and Christian videos and that is quite enough.
I will go to church again when people who go to church stop being hypocrites and start being real. Practice what you preach, and live your life according to what you're learning in church. Don't just be a "Sunday Christian". Live it 7 days a week, 365 days out of the year. Maybe not all churhes or churchgoers are this would just be nice to actually find a church around here that was actually true to their word. I'm sure I'll get slammed for this...anytime I ever have an opinion about religion, someone always feels the need to try to sway me to their way of thinking.

Switching gears a little....thinking about London's birthday party this year.....We were brainstorming and thought maybe we would just invite London's friends from school and have a swim party at the YMCA. Or go bowling or skating or something. Just brainstorming, but I like to make sure London's parties are fun and exciting for him. I remember birthdays when I was little where my mom wouldn't do anything really. I got a cake and a present or two and she called it good. I won't do that to London. His birthday will always be made to be a HUGE deal because the day he was born is a very important day and it always will be.

Anyway, I just wanted to touch base and let everyone know that we haven't fallen off the planet - just laying low trying to get well and full of busyness with this and that to accomplish.

Till I write again......

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