Friday, May 16, 2008

My Response....

It's easy for other people who don't know the situation to comment about it.
You don't get to pick your family or your in-laws (unfortunately) and we're expected to just accept whatever scraps of attention you get from them.

Somehow, it has to be made clear that we shouldn't have to accept less than what we deserve AND we should only let those people in our lives who make our lives richer.
We cannot make people like us or take an interest in us...they either do or they don't and being "related" has nothing to do with it.

It's not the greatest thing knowing that people only pay attention to those who are sitting right in front of their faces....noone else exists.

That's the purpose of my show the upside and downside of certain relationships and I'm glad I don't really have to participate in some of them.....
PLUS...this is my blog and I can write whatever I want, whenever I want, and however I want.

My blog is like my personal journal...I tell it like it is, how I see it, and how we hear about things through the grapevine. There are always going to be those people in families who have to be the "drama queens" of life...they aren't happy unless they're causing all eyes to be upon them at all times.....gimme a break - that whole routine is getting so old and we're getting so tired of it already. My advice to the drama chose your life and made your mistakes....don't make the rest of us pay for your mistakes too. It's your problem so deal with it accordingly.

Oh, and while I'm at hard is it for brothers and sisters, or whatever relation you happen to be, to sit your lazy butt down...pick up the phone and dial a few numbers to speak to your family? Is it really difficult, or a chore or some other made-up excuse in your head? Or.....would you rather wait until you're standing at your family member's graveside wishing you had said this or that or the other thing but were too stubborn to pick your pride off the sidewalk and be a decent human being or family member? I'm SO sick of the excuses we always hear as to why so and so never calls...."I'm sooooooooo busy (whatever, it's called time-management), "I forgot......."(you've been family members for 30-something years...get a brain transplant) or the best one I've heard yet..."I thought about calling but thought you would think........." OMG....give me a break! But yet you're not too busy to call your best friend, etc.....I don't get people anymore and I'm done trying to understand the twisted goings-on in the brains of people who are not meant to be understood at all.

6:52 PM

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