Friday, July 13, 2007

It makes me feel...

*SAD : when I see my son is not treated equally as his cousin. She's the favorite - and, it shows.
*MAD: when people think they don't need to ask my permission to drop their kid off at my house. Duh, use your manners - if you were even taught any!
*HOPELESS: to realize that I will never matter as a daughter to a mother.
*SCARED: to think my husband may have leukemia or something equally as scary, and that I could lose him.
*STUPID: to think that people assume I have no brain or thoughts of my own and they think they can take advantage of me. Duh, what planet are you from?
*USELESS: to think that if I were to lose my husband, London and I wouldn't even matter to certain people. As long as there is a favorite, (and it isn't London) we're not even needed to be a part of their lives.
*RIDICULOUS: to think that anyone even reads my blog or what I write on it.

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