Sunday, June 24, 2007


Why do you play favorites and never treat them the same?
Do you think what you're doing is fair, or just part of your game?
Since when is one child treated better than the other?
Is it because one child's parent is the favorite mother?
I'm not participating in such an unfair, ridiculous show.
How do you think it feels to be unimportant - do you even know?
Noone in their right mind could possibly think this is fair.
For when two children are involved, equality should be shared.
I'll stand by and watch this charade for now, but I will eventually blow my top.
For only then will this ridiculous, unfairness finally come to a complete stop.
We long for the day when we are finally able to move away.
So we are no longer subjected to the favoritism play by play.

Tiffany S. Roberts

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