Friday, April 20, 2007

So Much Fun......Not!

Today, Mike and I both had to go to the dentist. He had his teeth cleaned, I had 4 fillings filled. I was only supposed to have 3 fillings done, but they found another tooth while working on the others that needed a filling also. So, since I was already numb with novocaine I just had them do that one too. I felt like crud too afterwards.....the whole bottom part of my mouth was numb including my tongue. Makes you just feel weird not being able to feel if you're swallowing or not. It's starting to wear off now though, which I'm glad because I'm absolutely starving. I haven't eaten since 8 this morning and it's going on 3pm now.
We took London with us to the dentist and he just sat with Dad while he was having his teeth cleaned. They gave London a tooth brush for sitting and coloring so quietly. I'm just glad that's over until next year's visit. We went to a new dentist here in town and he seems to be pretty good. We were happy with his work.
I do have a pet peeve though......I've always had horrible teeth, ever since I was little. I credit that mostly to my mother who smoked and took drugs during her pregnancy. If she had taken care of herself (and me) better during pregnancy I would probably have better teeth to this day. When I was pregnant with London, I faithfully took my prenatal vitamins and ate what I was supposed to just so I would have a healthy baby. London has awesome teeth now too. My peeve is this.....when you're a parent or about to become one, you don't just have your selfish self to think about. You have to think about how your actions/habits affect someone else. I know... shocking, isn't it? So, instead of taking that puff on a cigarette, or swig of beer - think of how that affects your child, wife, life, etc......I think we'd have amazing people/kids running around in this world if their parents stopped being selfish and actually thought of someone besides themselves for a change.
Mike and I have always made sure that we had health insurance too. That's a huge part of staying healthy and keeping up on routine check-ups for teeth, etc....
I had regular dental care when I was little, but I think the damage starts when you're in the womb. That's my personal opinion, but it's what I think.
I think the only point I'm making is that I think people should just be more aware of the things they do that affect the entire family. The selfish habits of drinking, drugs, smoking, etc......they don't just affect the person engaging in these activities. These activities affect everyone, especially children. I'm living proof of that. All I can do is make sure that my child has a stable home free of alcoholism, smoking, and drugs. And, I can make sure he has adequate healthcare so he's not having a problem with his teeth or anything else in his mid-30's. It's just part of being responsible parents - it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. I don't really care what people think of me and of what I write on my blog. I'm not on this earth to win friends - I'm here to raise my child and be a good wife to my husband. I don't lay awake at night wondering if this person or that person like me or not. Who cares? All I know is that my husband and I had an agreement before we got married that if he ever turned into an alcoholic or drug addict or whatever...the marriage was over. I won't tolerate it. It's bad enough I had to tolerate an alcoholic parent in my childhood - as an adult, I will not be subjected to that ever again. Now, don't get me wrong....My husband has an alcoholic beverage if we go to Olive Garden or something. But, we don't keep alcohol in the house. Partly because I have a very addictive personality and I don't need or want the temptation. I want London to have as normal of a childhood as possible - I don't want him saying his parents were just a couple of drunks.
Mike's snoozing away since he worked the graveyard shift last night....but, I'm supposed to wake him up so we can go do something fun while it's nice and sunny.
I've got to type up all of my poems this weekend to get them ready for my editor, and finish our friends' curtains. Plus, whatever else I can rummage up to get done.
I think we'll go swimming too. That's what we did both days last weekend. London loves it and so do we. It also fits into our exercise regiment for our workouts on Wednesdays while London is at school. I'm thinking of joining a yoga class too - that just sounds fun and somewhat low-impact. It fits into my work schedule too.
Til next time....

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