Friday, January 05, 2007

Yeah Snow!

Our first real snow of the Christmas 2006 season. Was London ever excited! He had many days off from school (school was cancelled) and had plenty of time to enjoy the snow! Daddy, London and I all got into a snowball fight and played until we were thoroughly cold. Then, we went inside for hot cocoa. How much fun is that?
I am so glad to have my computer back - I'm able to update my blog now on a regular basis and I'm so excited about it that I can hardly contain myself. I bought (as an extra special treat for myself) not one, but TWO scrapbooking magazines and have been salivating over the ideas I have come up with. We just got our computer back on Wednesday, so I'll have to reign myself in and pace myself for my scrapbook pages. Plus, I have s0me samples of greeting cards that I'm working on for American Greetings - they emailed me and said they'd like some more of my samples and were doing a call-out to people who have previously sent work to them. I've finished 3 cards tonight. Very productive gal, if I do say so myself. Only because Mike and London are sleeping (I should be too, but I'm not) and I need to have some creativity time or I'll just go bonkers! I have many irons in the fire though.....and only one little old me! Why, oh why, do I do this to myself? Because I do!

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