Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What are you thinking...

I just absolutely love this photo of London in the snow. I wonder what thoughts he is thinking. I like to take pictures like this when your subjects are least expecting a photo being taken.

I cannot believe I was able to post as much as I was today. But, gotta get working on the rest of my greeting cards to send in. I have to send them by snail mail because for some reason they're not downloading properly and the editor cannot open them. I also got submission guidelines from Gallant Greeting Cards to send them some material. I'm excited to have that to work on too. Plus, I need to finish my Christmas presents for my Aunt and Uncle. Then I have a baby shower this weekend to go to and need to finish up some stuff for her. It will all get done though - it always does. I may not have to work tomorrow because of the snow (my boss lives on a big hill and cannot get back up the hill when he comes down to come to work in bad weather.) London already has the day off because of the snow. Fun! That's it for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You might be able to send the files on a site called YouSendIt.
They are one of many that send full quality large files ...for free. (Unless that's not the problem of course..)