Wednesday, January 31, 2007

London's First Puppy...

Finally.....I've been able to take some half-way decent pictures of London with his new puppy Nicky. These were taken at the beach the other day. Nicky and London love the beach - they are quite the pair! Although some days I wonder if they are in cahoots with each other to see how they can drive Mommy crazy! But, what would life be like without some crazy chaos once in a while?

My Favorite Little Munchkin in the Whole World...

We took London and our new puppy Nicky to the beach. It was cold, but it was sunny and we just couldn't stand being cooped up indoors anymore. We had to brave the cold and just frolic on the beach and be goofy! Hence.....London's goofy picture! Out of all the kids in the whole world....I'd have to say that London is absolutely my most favorite - but, I'm also biased being his mother and all...

Monday, January 29, 2007

Love Me Tender, Love Me Sweet....

I've seriously broken my record and done 2 Valentine scrapbook pages. What in the world is wrong with me? Oh well.....I had fun doing this page so I guess that's what really counts! And there are how many days until Valentine's Day? I'm not even keeping track - I'm lucky to remember what today's date is! What a silly-silly am I!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Adventures of London and Mommy...

London and I had a blast today! First, we went and got cheeseburgers. Then I took London by the house I used to live in when I was a baby and before my parent's divorced. Then we decided to take a drive. Later we went to my Grandma's house, or as London calls her "Great Grammy". We visited for a while and then we took her grocery shopping. London and I just had a good time being together and enjoying each other's company. What fun we had and what memories we made being together today. I'll never forget our "adventure" today!
On a sidenote...I talked to my Dad tonight and told him of our adventures.......he said he used to do the very same thing with me when I was a baby! How neat! And, I didn't even know it!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Be My Valentine...

Here's a Valentine scrapbook page of my sweetie. Now, generally I cannot stand Valentine's Day. Reason being is that I cannot understand why we need a holiday to show our loved ones that we love them - we should be doing that everyday of our lives - not just one day out of 365. Plus, when I was little I was always the nerd kid that noone wanted to give a Valentine card to. That really lifts up your self-esteem! Then, in high school I didn't have a boyfriend or anything so it was always just another humdrum day. Now that I'm married though, it hasn't changed much either. I don't recall a single Valentine's Day that really stands out in my memory. But, this year is different. Michael was very ill just recently and his illness made us both take stock of our lives and how we treat one another. Nothing like almost dying to make you figure out what's important. It's sad it took something like that to make us realize what's important - but I'm glad that we are in a spot in our relationship right now where our love is the strongest it's ever been. For that, I am very grateful and thankful.

A New Mom's Lament...

Since becoming a mother, one of my biggest pet peeves is that women have this attitude of being a better mother, wife....fill in the blank. I always thought that when I joined the ranks of motherhood, I would have all of this support and advice and helpfulness from other women. Yes, some have been kind enough to take me under their wing and show me what my own mother was incapable of doing. But, for the most part women are the most competitive people on this planet. Have you noticed that we all try to be perfect likenesses of June Cleaver, Betty Crocker and Martha Stewart all rolled into one super-human woman? Last year, I had some really tough times and I wrote some of my poetry for my new book during that time. Some of it is a little dark, but it definitely expresses what I was going through at the time. My only wish is that we women could embrace each other and lift each other up in our roles as Moms. Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to tear each other apart in our quest for perfection? I've done the whole perfectionist lifestyle and I just about drove myself bonkers. I've since discovered that is not the lifestyle for me - I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone and most perfectionists are trying to prove something to someone. I just want to be content being myself - and if that means that everyone else has to claw their way to the top and bypass me, than so be it.
Most of the time I feel as though I don't fit in anywhere with other Mom's. I joined a MOPS group - didn't really feel like I fit in there and thank goodness my schedule changed at work so now I don't even have to bother going. I joined thinking I could really benefit from these other women - but I felt more like we were there to see who was the best dressed, who had the best kids, etc....I could just keep going on and on. It's really sad too....I could really benefit from other Mom's who have some experience under their belts. Instead, I've started buying parenting books - I'm currently reading "A Woman After God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George. I've misplaced the other book I started but it's pretty good too. Hopefully I'll find it again. So, I suppose I'm just writing this because I'm a little disappointed that when women become mothers they are so stuck on being SuperMommy and clawing their way to the top. That is truly my lament. My greatest desire is to teach London that your worth is not based on wearing name-brand clothes/shoes, or hanging out with the "A" crowd. I can only hope that the kind of mother I am today will shape his character to become a kind, young man with compassion for others. Too many people derive their worth by the clothes they wear, cars they drive and houses they live in.
And, by the way....thank you to those mom's who have helped me along the way and help to make me feel good about my role as a mom. It is truly appreciated.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Movies and Popcorn and a Tea Party, Oh My!

Over the past several days I have been fortunate enough to be able to watch some movies I've not seen before. Mike and I put handsome London to bed and were able to watch (in it's entirety) Tristan and Isolde. What a great movie - but I hated the ending. Then, we watched King Arthur. That was very good also. Lastly, I was able to watch Emma. That is now my new favorite movie. And, I own it so I can watch it over and over and over again should I choose to do so. Actually, I own all of those movies - my once in a while treat - buying movies.

Oh my gosh! I've almost forgotten to tell you that I've been invited to a tea party! I am so beyond excited - you just don't even know! I always wanted to play tea party when I was little and my mother wouldn't play with me. So, as an adult that has always been my dream - to have a real tea party or go to one when invited. I told Mike that I wanted to have a tea party at home and he said he and London would certainly have a tea party with me! Mike will do anything to keep Momma happy - that would make me tickled pink to take tea with my two favorite men! Anyway, the tea party I've been invited to is to take place in mid-February on a Saturday afternoon. Oh, I just cannot wait - but I shall!

That's all of my grand news for now!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Truer Love I've Not Seen in Anyone Else...

Wow! I was able to gather some of my thoughts after Michael came home from the hospital. I started writing this poem yesterday, and then at 4am this morning I woke up and the words just started coming so I had to write the rest of it down. I hate when that happens - I cannot write like normal people - I have to get most of my inspiration when I'm in the middle of a dead sleep.
My poetry is very therapeutic - I can write my thoughts and feelings down way better than I can express them by talking.
This page is kinda cool and very fun to work on. I haven't read this poem to Michael yet. I think he will be pleased. He's always my critic and I usually go to him first to see if it sounds and flows smoothly.
I've fallen in love with him all over again. What a man, what a guy - oh the luckiest girl am I!!!

Tiffany S. Roberts

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My Book...

This is my book that I had published. I've been wanting to scrapbook the cover of it for awhile now and put it on my blog and just haven't gotten around to it. I certainly don't do things quickly - that's for sure. But, I have numerous other things (and people) occupying my time so that would explain why I'm not on the ball anymore to get things done.
Anyway, my book is a poetry book that I wrote while pregnant with my son and while I was up in the middle of the night for those 2am feedings. I had a lot of time to contemplate the little things that my infant would do and then when he became a toddler I had tons of stuff to write about that would make me laugh. It's just a book about what new mom's experience when they undertake the role of Mom. Plus, I thought it would be neat for London when he grows up to know that his Mommy wrote poetry about his little antics.
You can get this book at any major bookstore. You have to special-order it as it is not in stock on the shelves. Or, you can order online as well.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Handprint of God...

These past few days were some of the most trying that I've had for a while! My husband was so sick in the hospital and all I could think was that I was going to lose the center of my universe. Sure, we have our moments when we drive each other crazy and we have our ups and downs like any married couple. When our Dr. said he was moving my husband into CCU I just remember thinking of the time when my Dad was airlifted to the UW Medical Center and was on life support. I never questioned God at all during any of this with Michael. I was so busy and frantic trying to make sure my toddler was taken care of when I couldn't take him to the hospital with me. I didn't have time to figure out why this was happening. But, it's funny how certain situations will make you take stock of your life and of your loved ones and make you appreciate what you DO have. It makes you stop and think that you're not as willing to take the little moments with your loved ones for granted. While bringing my husband home from the hospital today, I reached over and grabbed his leg and told him I was so excited that he was coming home - I told him I loved him and that he and London are literally the center of my universe. I need both of them like I need air to breathe. I don't feel that way with just anyone - but with Mike and London I do. They are the special men in my life and they always will be.
This poem certainly doesn't do justice to the feelings locked inside my heart right now. But, I need to contemplate my thoughts and words of this whole experience before I can put them into words of poetry. I certainly want to write a poem about London seeing his Daddy for the 1st time after his Daddy got out of CCU - it's hard to describe in words - but I now understand what it means to see a child who is so completely in love with his Daddy. That's a memory that will forever be locked in my heart - it was so precious and I'm just honored I was able to witness that moment between the two of them.

Friday, January 12, 2007


I just decided to get creative tonight and created this whole page by my little lonesome self! I thought it turned out just dreamy! What fun to just create an entire page from scratch into this - I'm very proud of myself indeed! Mike's at work, London's asleep and I have full reign of my scrapbooking time tonight. I should be going to bed - but I'm too excited to create new stuff! It's almost like when you have writer's block for several months and then all of a sudden "voila" you're inspired and you have more ideas in your head than you have hands to put them on paper.
And, I think I have a bath in my near future too. What bliss!
(You can tell you're the mom of a toddler when you get overjoyed to take a bath and scrapbook. Two of the most ordinary things to do in life, but are like gold to a mom.)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What are you thinking...

I just absolutely love this photo of London in the snow. I wonder what thoughts he is thinking. I like to take pictures like this when your subjects are least expecting a photo being taken.

I cannot believe I was able to post as much as I was today. But, gotta get working on the rest of my greeting cards to send in. I have to send them by snail mail because for some reason they're not downloading properly and the editor cannot open them. I also got submission guidelines from Gallant Greeting Cards to send them some material. I'm excited to have that to work on too. Plus, I need to finish my Christmas presents for my Aunt and Uncle. Then I have a baby shower this weekend to go to and need to finish up some stuff for her. It will all get done though - it always does. I may not have to work tomorrow because of the snow (my boss lives on a big hill and cannot get back up the hill when he comes down to come to work in bad weather.) London already has the day off because of the snow. Fun! That's it for now.

What a day!

What a whirlwind of a day! It started snowing right before I had to pick up my toddler and go grocery shopping. But, we went shopping and had a blast. I love grocery shopping - I know, I'm weird or something! I love to hunt for coupons on the internet, print them out and then go shopping to see how much money I can save. It's like a game to me. Who has the best price, etc.... So, we got done and came home. I bought a pizza for dinner so we wouldn't have to worry about dinner when we got home and so we wouldn't have to go back out into the snow. I told Mike that if he could watch London for me, I could cook the pizza, put all of the groceries away, clean the bathroom and London's room, and do laundry & dishes. And guess what was my "prize" for getting all of my chores done? (Get your head out of the gutter!) My prize was being able to scrapbook for awhile on the computer tonight. Normally, I think of my chores as something I need to get done, and when they're done I can do something I enjoy like scrapbooking, crafts, bubblebath, etc.....Kind of like a prize at the end of the tunnel.
Sometimes I get frustrated that my house doesn't look perfect or that I'm not June Cleaver/Mary Poppins/Martha Stewart all rolled into one. I told my counselor about that too one time....she said that just because my house doesn't look "perfect" doesn't mean I'm a bad parent or, look at the people who have the perfect-looking house - who do they have to sacrifice in order to get their house looking that way? Do they skimp on time with their children/spouse? Do they make their children always play in their rooms and spend most of their day yelling at them because they touched something? After she put it in that perspective, I'm pretty glad my house isn't perfect. I'd rather have a messy house and spend time sitting on the floor with my toddler playing dinosaurs. Laundry and dishes will always be there - but my son's childhood is a once in a lifetime thing. So, I've learned to just budget out my time and utilize the time that I do have to do the things I enjoy and that make me happy. Everyone's different - but that's what works for me. Plus, I make sure Mike knows that I have to have my "me" time everyday - whether it be scrapbooking, reading my many magazines, crafts, etc.....If you don't take care of you, you're not going to be able to take care of those most important to you.

Would anyone know...

Would anyone know...
1. You're afraid of the dark and need a night light at night.
2. You're allergic to squash, baby oil, and penicillin.
3. Only heat your Spaghettio's for 13 seconds in the microwave.
4. You like your sandwiches with the crusts cut off.
5. Your favorite food is garlic bread - at least for right now.
6. You love chocolate covered raisins.
7. You say two prayers every night before bed. The one that I said when I was little, and the one your Daddy said when he was little.
8. You're very sensitive and upset easily.
9. You love the movie Cars.
10. You watch the TV series, "Leave it to Beaver" every night before you go to bed.

I get so afraid of something happening to your Daddy and I and noone knowing a thing about you or your quirks, likes, or dislikes. Who would know how to comfort you? Who would give you lovies? (hugs and kisses). Who would tell you they love you numerous times of the day every day for no reason at all - just to say it and make sure you know you're loved? Who would know that you absolutely hate tuna fish and anything containing tuna fish? Who would know that you love your baths every night and they help calm you to go to sleep? Who would know you get cranky when your blood sugar is low?
It makes me crazy to think of all the things that we know about you that noone else knows. For that, I want to live forever just so I will always be able to comfort you. My London......mommy loves you!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

My London...

My London
I have such high hopes for you, my son.
I want your childhood to be prosperous and fun.
I never want you to doubt your place in my heart.
You've always abeen wanted and loved right from the start.
I loved carrying you in my belly and watching you grow.
Looking forward to today and eager for tomorrow.
So always remember, my handsome little man.
You're the apple of my eye with an attitude of, "I can!"
Tiffany Sue Roberts

I'm so excited...

I am so excited! Mike told me yesterday that when we get our income tax back he wants to take me to a bed and breakfast in Port Townsend. It won't necessarily be a second honeymoon because we will need to take our toddler with us. We don't have anyone to watch him, nor do I feel comfortable leaving him overnight with other people. But, we want to stay at one of the Victorian homes. It will be nice to get away from home and away from everyone and everything that wants to use up our time. School, work, get the idea. This is huge though, considering we were about ready to call it quits on the whole marriage a few months back. Port Townsend is our favorite place, and there's a little town called Nordland that we would eventually like to move to and live for the rest of our lives. It was a toss up between staying at a bed and breakfast in Leavenworth or going to Port Townsend. I'm not really into Leavenworth that much. It's such a tourist trap, and each time we've passed through the people are incredibly rude. Go to Leavenworth, lose your manners!
We're also planning on buying our sleigh bed, 2 new tall dressers and a swingset for London. Besides paying some bills and being responsible. So, that's my big news for the day. It will be a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to it - especially since it was completely my Sweetie's idea. Normally I'm the one who has to make plans to do something like that and think up the ideas - but he outdid me on this one!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

This is just a sampling of the greeting cards I was able to complete before my mid-January deadline. I've only completed 7 cards so far, but I'm allowed up to 20 to send in at a time. I can send in as many sets of 20 cards as I want to as long as I'm within the deadline. Looking at them, they look a little cheesy - but hey, I'm just excited that these ones are already off and sent in an email to the editor.

Just doin' my crafts...

Now I know you're probably saying, "what is the old gal putting pictures of her crafts on here for?" Well, I'll tell ya. These are crafts that I made for my Aunt and Uncle in California for Christmas presents. Yes, I know I'm a dingleberry and Christmas has been and gone. But, it's the thought that counts, not the time frame in which it is done. I just had a really hard time getting into my crafts this year. Last year I started making presents in September, but this year I just didn't have it in me to make tons of stuff for everyone. My aunt and uncle helped make our Christmas a very special one this year. I know, Christmas is not about tons of presents and stuff like that....but I was so fearful that London wouldn't have a good Christmas - I don't want him having memories of Christmases where he didn't get anything. No parent wants that. But, we had a great Christmas and they are partially responsible for that. I made my Aunt and Uncle knitted and crocheted hat/scarf sets and made a little ornament of London's school picture. I also made my cousins hat and scarf sets too and an ornament of London's picture. My aunt has really helped me through some tough times this year. When I wanted to get a divorce - she was there to talk me out of it. She called me once or twice a week just to make sure I was okay. For that I will always be grateful to her. It's really hard sometimes when you don't have your own mother and feel like you don't belong anywhere. 2006 was one heck of a year - I'm pretty glad it's over and we can all have a fresh start. All I know, is that I want to teach London the importance of what a real family is. That's what my aunt has taught me - you always stick by your family and you're there whenever someone needs your help or just a listening ear. Family isn't just about getting together once or twice a year for a holiday or a birthday. There's more to the meaning of family than that. Friends will come and go - but your family is forever. They will be the ones who rush to your bedside when you're sick, comfort you when you've suffered a loss, and laugh with you even if your jokes are stupid. I can only hope to teach London the importance of family. I'm just thankful that my aunt was there when I needed someone to care about what I was going through and what I was feeling. So, I know it isn't much....but I really wanted to make something as a heartfelt gift for my relatives in California.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Yeah Snow!

Our first real snow of the Christmas 2006 season. Was London ever excited! He had many days off from school (school was cancelled) and had plenty of time to enjoy the snow! Daddy, London and I all got into a snowball fight and played until we were thoroughly cold. Then, we went inside for hot cocoa. How much fun is that?
I am so glad to have my computer back - I'm able to update my blog now on a regular basis and I'm so excited about it that I can hardly contain myself. I bought (as an extra special treat for myself) not one, but TWO scrapbooking magazines and have been salivating over the ideas I have come up with. We just got our computer back on Wednesday, so I'll have to reign myself in and pace myself for my scrapbook pages. Plus, I have s0me samples of greeting cards that I'm working on for American Greetings - they emailed me and said they'd like some more of my samples and were doing a call-out to people who have previously sent work to them. I've finished 3 cards tonight. Very productive gal, if I do say so myself. Only because Mike and London are sleeping (I should be too, but I'm not) and I need to have some creativity time or I'll just go bonkers! I have many irons in the fire though.....and only one little old me! Why, oh why, do I do this to myself? Because I do!

Zoomin' on the motorhome at Great-Pa's!

There's a history about this motorhome. To most people it probably just seems like some stupid, old toy......but to me and all of the cousins on my Dad's side of the family this motorhome represents the trips we took to Gram and Pa's house. All of us cousins would take turns "riding on the Winnebago" up and down Gram and Pa's long hallway. I'm sure we drove them crazy and they were probably glad to have peace and quiet when we left, but they never let on that we drove them bonkers. This motorhome is older than me and if it had an odometer I'm sure it would be in the millions for all of the miles that were put on it. One thing I'm excited about is that London was able to share in the history of the old Winnebago. He had a blast, as did his Mommy all those many years ago! So, it may just seem like a heap of metal to everyone else......but to us cousins (and now London) it was one of the fun things to do at Gram and Pa's!